Monday, January 2, 2012


Things I can't get off my mind:  the open-ness of the California countryside... colors in nature that are at once hazy and saturated.....  the majestic beauty of mountains, plains and ocean.  Basically I want to give up everything in the city and go live on a farm by the beach... but as that's not exactly feasible at the moment, I'll have to settle for trying to bring that feeling indoors.  I'm thinking a large blown-up photo (loving the image below) and a pale teal/hazy blush/soft mustard color scheme.  Think this could be fabulous layered on whites in a living room...

image via middlechildcomplex

Maybe something like this:

What do you think?

couch: cb2
side tables:  west elm
lamps:  serena & lily
pillows (fabric):  Caitlin Wilson Textiles
rug:  west elm

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